PI Mini Disaster
PI team setting up shop in temporary office after Professional Insurors suffers a power loss to its building
PI suffered a mini disaster during the storm on 6/14. We suffered a complete power loss to our building 6/14-16 caused by a circuit breaker failure. We set up a temporary offsite office within a few hours and continued to service our clients. Thanks to Agility Recovery, Interwest Properties, our IT director, and our staff. We had a good basic Disaster Plan and our President, Kelly Miller was onsite to make quick decisions that allowed us to operate. Agility Recovery set up a Voice Mail box and our phone company forwarded all calls to that number. We would then retrieve the messages and take them to the proper person to return the calls from cell phones. Our IT department moved 3 of our servers and 7 workstations to a building operated by our management company, Interwest Properties, and we were back up and operating the same day. We do have a backup offsite server but we were able to use our existing server as there was no damage to it. We then moved our entire office back two days later within a few hours to get back to business after installing new electrical equipment in the building.
We can testify to the importance of having a disaster plan. It is well worth the time to implement before it's too late.