What Does an Installation Floater Cover?
What exactly is an Installation Floater?
Well this particular insurance coverage protects you from a covered loss to plant material you are about to install.
Lets paint a picture: You, the landscape contractor, received a contract with a homeowners association to take care of all their landscape and maintenance. It is late March and you just bought about $25,000 worth of plant material to install on their property. You have all the plant material off the trailer and you are placing it where you think it should be planted. The crews you have working decide it's lunch time and head out to grab a bite to eat. All that plant material is just sitting there. You and the crew make it back from lunch to find all your plant material has been stolen.
You would have coverage for up to the limit on your policy for the loss of plant material before installed. Another scenario would be a hail storm wipes out all your plants while waiting to be installed.
This coverage is important for anyone in the horticulture industry to have, especially all of our landscape companies out there.